Castor Oil Packs
Castor Oil Packs are very curative. Castor (Ricinus communis) is native to India. The oil from the castor seed is very high in ricinoleic acid which is thought to be responsible for its healing properties.
Castor oil packs are an external application to the body. They have been used for centuries by many cultures, ancient Egyptian, Japanese, Chinese, and Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine. They are simple, effective and very affordable!
Click the link to the right for printable instructions.
External applications are recommended to:
Stimulate lymphatic function
Relieve constipation (and other intestinal conditions)
Support and activate liver detoxification/disorders
Open up the gallbladder ducts and reduce inflammation or stones
Reduce nighttime urinary frequency
Soothe inflamed joints and sunburn
Relieve headaches and migraines
Break down biofilms* in the gut (used externally)
Break down dental plaque
Breakup adhesions of the lacteal glands
Reduce pain of menstrual cramps
Improve skin and reduce wrinkles (used externally)
Dissolve fibroids and warts, heal wounds
Use as an anti-infective and anti-inflammatory
Castor oil packs are typically placed on the following body regions:
The right side of the abdomen for liver detoxification
Inflamed and swollen joints, bursitis, and muscle strains
The abdomen to relieve constipation and other digestive disorders
The lower abdomen for menstrual irregularities and uterine or ovarian cysts
Interference fields
The lungs during colds/flu
Necessary Items
Castor oil, preferably organic cold pressed, approximately 2 tablespoons (We recommend Premier Castor Oil from Premier Research Labs)
Organic cotton flannel or wool, 3-4 pieces or layers about 10" x 12" each (We recommend Certified Organic Cotton Flannel from Premier Research Labs)
A large plastic bag (13-gallon trash bag works well if cut along the edges, giving you two identical rectangular pieces)
A large electric heating pad or hot water bottle. Do not microwave!
An old sheet and wear old clothes—castor oil stains!
Place one large piece of plastic over the area where you will be laying
Place an old sheet over the plastic
Take other plastic piece, place it crossways to the sheet, under lower back
Saturate flannel pack with castor oil
Lie down on your back on the plastic bag
Place pack directly on skin of specific area
Cover with plastic sheet
Put heating pad over plastic sheet (keep it warm but not too hot)
Leave on for 30 -90 minutes
Remove pack, cleanse area with mild soap
Best to discard pack but may be reused, if so, refrigerate until next use
May be used daily or 2-3 times a week or per advice by health consultant.
Avoid using Castor Oil Packs if:
You're pregnant or breastfeeding. The effects of castor oil on a baby aren't known.
You have an IUD which could cause it to dislodge or release excess copper.
There is internal bleeding, or if you struggle with IBS, Colitis, or diarrhea
You have open or irritated skin, such as scratches or cuts
It is best to use the pack while resting and relaxing. Set it up where you will be comfortable, with a pillow under your head and another under your knees.
Oil always drips from the pack, so it is important to protect bedding, cushions, or pillows (some people prefer to be undressed or wear old clothes).
It is recommended just before and after using a pack to have a cleansing drink such as Premier Research Labs products Gallbladder-ND™ before and AloePro afterwards
* What are Biofilms?
Biofilms are common and may form on any surface exposed to bacteria and some amount of water. They form a colony by excreting a slimy, glue-like substance that can stick to all kinds of materials including metals, plastics, medical implant materials, and biological tissues.
Biofilms are a protective cloaking device that bacteria, some viruses, fungi ,and algae use to survive adverse conditions. These highly effective barriers of pathogenic colonies are very difficult to penetrate and destroy. They are highly resistant to antibiotics (up to 10,000-fold). This often makes antibiotic treatment not only ineffective for chronic diseases but antibiotics might actually trigger biofilms to create a stronger barrier.